With the holidays upon us and lots of quiet days to fill with wonder, the kids luckily have a love for books. They all cuddled up close to the fire, even the cat and the pup. They all picked up their favorites, and for a while it was really cosy and quiet. Sandy was reading to her little sister, and Adrian was reading to his bunny.

Jacob wanted to read more about dinosaurs. Thumbelina found her oldest book about fairies which is her all time favorite. Billy naturally found his book about Winnie the Pooh as he loves this itty bitty bear, and Frida went for Alice in Wonderland. Then they all cuddled up together in the sofa.

Although a little away from the fire, Annie and Marie cuddled up together in the window seat. Annie wanted to read out loud for her little sister just like Sandy, so that probably made the most sense anyway.

Sandy looked so cute reading to Wilma I had to take a close up of them too, and look how engulfed Adrian seems to be in that book about Tom the kitten! And finally there is the cat Mathias asleep by the fireplace.

Thank you for stopping by.