Last week something wonderful happened, a little boy came into my life. He is a Twinkle Navi made by Meadowdolls, and is so cute it is hard to take my eyes of him.
Navi was “the one that got away”. I fell in love with that cute face already in the first preorder, but decided this doll would be both too big and too expensive for me. Then I won a twinkle Sissi, and all hope of sanity was lost. Finally in last years preorder I gave in and ordered me a Navi. For a long while he was supposed to be a blond girl, but I finally decided he would have to be a boy, and I don’t think I am going to regret this choice. Just look at those cute cheeks! (Outfit by me and Dollyberries).

He arrived just as the last snow was melting, and after a few rainy days we had some lovely sunny days for outdoor photos. Offcourse Emma had to join in too.

Since we are redecorating the living room it took a few days before he got to explore the playroom, but when he finally did Emma made sure he didn’t miss a thing!

Tractors and Excavators seems to be loved by every little boy, and Robin is no exception. He was barely able to choose.

Before I knew it he had found the dinosaurs too and was looking up their pictures in a book.

Finally Mathias the cat woke up and came to say hello. You might have noticed him sleeping in the background.

Did I say woke up? Never mind, lol. Emma says he did the exact same thing when she moved in.