Catching Snowflakes

It has been an unusually dark polar night, with no snow at all. Now the Sun has finally returned and the days are growing lighter. I brought Signe outside to get some fresh air and to greet the Sun welcome. In theses parts it is tradition to let the kids out of school early on the first day of Sun, even if she is up only for a few minutes, adding a few more each day.

“It is so pretty out”.

The ground has a pretty layer of frost to help light up the world. Signes red coat is new. It only took me about three years to get started on it, lol. It was good to have on this cold day though.

“Look it’s starting to snow!”

It is a delightful experience to see a little childs´ joy at the first snow. There is still not that much, but I hope it was enough to put a smile on Your face.

Catching snowflakes.

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