After a prolonged winter, spring is finally in the air. The kiddies are enjoying the very first warm days with fun and play. Camilla is especially excited about the first flowers.

It is such a luxury to be able to relax outside in just your sweater. Emma and Robin has found a lovely spot to chill in the sun.

To add to the fun I decided to make them a sand box. It was a great success, and the kids climbed in immediately.

Robin was quick to finally put his favorite Little Digger to work.

Sophie looked like a dream in her cute outfit while baking sand cookies.

As usual, Camilla was super excited. She grabbed the bucket and a spade and wanted to build a sand castle.

Finally we were all exhausted, and it was time to go in for supper.

Once inside Robin wanted to show me his new big boy room.

And then it was time for a good night story.

Sweet dreams!