Start of Term

After a long break, the kids are finally back at The Fairy Forest School of Wizardry. The Kids are excited to have something to help pass the long winter days still ahead of them. Professor Alvin, their goblin teacher, opens class by standing on top of the table […]

Catching Snowflakes

It has been an unusually dark polar night, with no snow at all. Now the Sun has finally returned and the days are growing lighter. I brought Signe outside to get some fresh air and to greet the Sun welcome. In theses parts it is tradition to let […]

Happy Holidays 2020!

The Holidays are getting nearer, so I started dressing the dolls in festive clothes a while ago, finally yesterday they were all ready. Then standing them up like this without knocking the next two dolls over was a challenge. A picture like this takes a whole lot of […]


This is a little basic for experienced BJD collectors, but one of the fun things about BJDs is their ability to pose naturally. Posing depends on how the joints are made. All the kinds of dolls that I have been able to collect are made a little differently. […]

Ruthiepooh dolls

Will Ruthiepooh dolls be a future thing? I sure have been fiddling a bit with making bjds from polymer clay with this as a fantasy of sorts. However, none to date have gotten the needed attention to be worth making copies off. They have all been learning experiences […]

A Happy Place

We have come a long way here at the “orphanage” since Thumbelina was a lone little girl. There is always someone to play with, and most have been reunited with siblings and cousins. There are lots of books and toys, and plenty of space if you need a […]