Tag: latiwhite

Decorating the playroom
My tiny Lati family all dressed in their finest when it was time to decorated the playroom. They even pulled out their little cart to help with the proceedings. Decorating is so much more fun when you have sweet little helpers. Someone got tired sooner than others. And […]

Santa was here!
It was after Christmas Eve dinner, and the kids gathered around the big tree in the playroom. All wearing their best. They start checking out the labels and to squeeze and shake to try to guess what’s in there. “You are suppose to say “may” and “please”, but […]

Things to do for Easter.
With the holidays upon us and lots of quiet days to fill with wonder, the kids luckily have a love for books. They all cuddled up close to the fire, even the cat and the pup. They all picked up their favorites, and for a while it was […]

Good morning.
The first morning in a new house when the sun is shining and there are other kids to play with is alway so exciting. Wilma is excited to be here with her siblings and even a new best friend. Marie is excited that there is another girl her […]

Getting into the Holiday Spirit
I am starting early this year, but after this harsh year it seems appropriate. It means a lot to celebrate the season of light in the darkest time of the year. Up here we are entering the polar night and more and more lights are coming up outdoors. […]

A Happy Place
We have come a long way here at the “orphanage” since Thumbelina was a lone little girl. There is always someone to play with, and most have been reunited with siblings and cousins. There are lots of books and toys, and plenty of space if you need a […]