Twinkles in their eyes.

Finally Christmas Eve. The kids have been waiting impatiently through the whole day while watching cartoons and eating candy. They barely had any dinner, they were so excited about what might be hiding in their gift under the tree. Finally the moment has come. Desert has been eaten. […]


Spring is my favorite time of the year. It is like a weight lifts, and the landscape opens up. I can walk just anywhere across the fields without piles of snow, or hight grass that I have to keep out of because the farmers will harvest it later […]

Catching Snowflakes

It has been an unusually dark polar night, with no snow at all. Now the Sun has finally returned and the days are growing lighter. I brought Signe outside to get some fresh air and to greet the Sun welcome. In theses parts it is tradition to let […]


This is a little basic for experienced BJD collectors, but one of the fun things about BJDs is their ability to pose naturally. Posing depends on how the joints are made. All the kinds of dolls that I have been able to collect are made a little differently. […]