Home life

I realized I haven’t made a blog about the life at the Orphanage in a long while. You have met the older kids at school, but there are some little ones that are still just too young for school. Tim has all the patience in the world, and […]

At Alvins Homestead.

To make class a little more interesting Alvin has asked the kids to visit his homestead in the fairy forest. It is in the opposite direction from the school, so it is easier to just have them meet him there. At Alvins homestead there is his cottage, a […]

Exam day.

Today is a special day. It is time for the kids to finally show what they have learned over the last term. They are all waiting eagerly, curious to open the exam papers and start writing. Jamie is perhaps a little less nervous than the rest as he […]

Back to school

It’s a new year, and a new semester. The kids are back at school wearing their new clothes, or, as in Emilys case, also bringing her Christmas gift: A brand new camera! Emily brings it over to Lori so that she can see it better. I’m sure Lori […]

Yule tide musings.

Yule has been an exciting time at our house this year. It started with getting the house ready for the holidays. Everything must shine, be clean and sparkly. Then off course we had to find the perfect tree and decorate it. Their new big sister Lorelei arrived just […]

The young wizard

The arrival of Timothy. One early morning the phone was ringing at Happy Home Orphanage. In the other end there was a distressed head master trying to explain his situation. There had been a long period of hard winter storms that eventually had made the school building suffer […]

Santa was here!

It was after Christmas Eve dinner, and the kids gathered around the big tree in the playroom. All wearing their best. They start checking out the labels and to squeeze and shake to try to guess what’s in there. “You are suppose to say “may” and “please”, but […]

A day at Alvins´

Alvin used to be such an hermit with his nose in a book all day. Now it seems it has been a while since Alvin had time for such things. His new Tennant Tiberius Hoot has turned out to be quite the conversation partner while Ponk never said […]

Move in day.

A little while ago there were some newcomers that arrived in the Fairy Forest. Ponk the Penguin was home alone to greet the aeronaut Tiberius Hoot when he arrived with his little travel companions Oreo and Primrose, the baby goats. Ponk bid Tiberius welcome after his long journey […]

The Forevergreen House

Part 1 of the Fairy Forest Mysteries, as illustrated text. Chapter 1 In his younger years Alvin had travelled the World. He´d been quite the explorer, it wasn´t much he hadn´t seen, or so it felt like. Yes his goblin lineage made him small and strange looking to […]