Home life

I realized I haven’t made a blog about the life at the Orphanage in a long while. You have met the older kids at school, but there are some little ones that are still just too young for school. Tim has all the patience in the world, and […]

The young wizard

The arrival of Timothy. One early morning the phone was ringing at Happy Home Orphanage. In the other end there was a distressed head master trying to explain his situation. There had been a long period of hard winter storms that eventually had made the school building suffer […]

Santa was here!

It was after Christmas Eve dinner, and the kids gathered around the big tree in the playroom. All wearing their best. They start checking out the labels and to squeeze and shake to try to guess what’s in there. “You are suppose to say “may” and “please”, but […]

Honey honey

It had been a beautiful day. Nora and Emily had spent most of it outside, and had even brought Pooh and Piglet with them. Naturally the talking turned to the stories about Winnie the Pooh. Nora was rather imaginative, as is common for kids her age. Naturally if […]

Busy days

My dollhouse dolls in actual 1:12 scale has been receiving some attention lately, especially Tanaka whos´s been getting a few new clothes items. She is being kept really busy though with all there is to do around the house with two small kids and a dog to take […]