Welcome to my blog

A new experience for me. After some consideration and a lot of work I now have my own home page and blog. The Ruthiepooh home page is already huge with many galleries and photo stories. This blog is a different matter, but at least now I have the […]

Magical toys.

As you may remember Tim is a huge fan of the Harry Potter books. He loves everything about it, and when the Collectors set came out he just had to get it. (Polly Pocket by Mattel) Joy is always curious about Tims collections. She is a bit too […]

Home life

I realized I haven’t made a blog about the life at the Orphanage in a long while. You have met the older kids at school, but there are some little ones that are still just too young for school. Tim has all the patience in the world, and […]

At Alvins Homestead.

To make class a little more interesting Alvin has asked the kids to visit his homestead in the fairy forest. It is in the opposite direction from the school, so it is easier to just have them meet him there. At Alvins homestead there is his cottage, a […]

Start of Term

After a long break, the kids are finally back at The Fairy Forest School of Wizardry. The Kids are excited to have something to help pass the long winter days still ahead of them. Professor Alvin, their goblin teacher, opens class by standing on top of the table […]

Happy Fairy Christmas!

We are little fairy cousins, and we love Christmas too! I feel like my story has gotten a little overlooked lately, so: A little introduction to those who don’t know us already. The tallest of us are little pukipukis, just older than a toddler. The smallest of us […]

Lati Family Christmas

All the cousins gathered together wearing their best, and the opportunity for family pictures was there. Finally it was time to open presents, and they gathered around the big tree in the play room. All the kids seems to be happy with their many presents, and are eager […]

It’s the Season

The Yule season always creeps up on you. You start getting the first presents, then put up the outdoor lights for the long polar nights. It is a time when staying indoors seems to get more cosy, and listening to Yule music or reading a book seems to […]


After a long period of cold and rain, the weather finally cleared up and it was possible to go outside to play. The kids ran outside, eager to get some sun. Jacob walk to the forest edge, light in his step. The sky was blue and the birds […]

Exam day.

Today is a special day. It is time for the kids to finally show what they have learned over the last term. They are all waiting eagerly, curious to open the exam papers and start writing. Jamie is perhaps a little less nervous than the rest as he […]

Studying divination.

First, we have a new student. This is Jamie, he is Emilys brother who finally has come over to stay with her. The class is preparing for the exam in divination. In the curriculum they have covered several ways for how this can be done. Tim and Lorelei […]