A little while ago there were some newcomers that arrived in the Fairy Forest. Ponk the Penguin was home alone to greet the aeronaut Tiberius Hoot when he arrived with his little travel companions Oreo and Primrose, the baby goats.

Ponk bid Tiberius welcome after his long journey from afar. The kids were happily playing while the two birds had a friendly chat.

When Alvin arrived home he started building a barn for the newcomers to live in, even with a loft where Hoot could get his own flat. They all got to have a little look around before it was all finished.

Alvin took his time to make it all perfect for them. He made sure they all got exactly what they wanted. Finally the day came when they could all move in.

Tiberius was very happy to have his own space, there was even a rug ready for him. Now he just needs a blanket.
The baby goats were easier to please. The barn has plenty of room in and out, and windows to peak out of. Now where is the food?

Oreo was happy to finally find a whole bucket of carrots. The goats both love climbing on their big rock.
Finally everyone gathered around and had a really nice time together.
The barn was build completely from scratch by me. Sorry about the quality of the first two pictures, they were taken with my phone. All dolls and animals were made by the brilliant artist Daisy Dayes.
Beautiful little barn Ruth. Your little menagerie is really growing. This is the perfect place for them. I’m so impressed you did this yourself from scratch.
Thank you very much Joanne! 🙂 I had thought about this for a long while while dreaming of some of Daisies farm animals. It was finally time, and I’m quite happy with it too 🙂