Home life

I realized I haven’t made a blog about the life at the Orphanage in a long while. You have met the older kids at school, but there are some little ones that are still just too young for school.

Emily and Nora chatting.

Tim has all the patience in the world, and likes to be silly with the smaller girls Joy and Nora.

Girl magnet Tim.

I try to show all their personalities and hobbies, and the girls of course has doll collections at home.

Lori Pondering.

Lori keeps her Mini Shopkins collection in her room, but as all collecting it is more fun when you share.

Emily visits Lori in her room.

In the playroom there is, among lots of other stuff, a large collection of mini Polly Pockets. The kids have decided they live in the Mini Sylvanian house, and all the girls like to play with it.

Polly Pockets galore.

Tim is a bit of a nerd, he likes all things nerdy. Harry Potter is probably his biggest obsession though.

Tims new Harry Potter stuff.

Joy recently came with us on holiday, and she helped us make sure everyone got something she knew they would like.

“I got you these!”

We also found some more farm animals for the play room that will be for everyone to play with. Emily and Jamie got to them first. Here are some of them, mixed with the older toys of course.

The new stuff is so fun!

Mixing toys and things that don’t normally go together is fun! Who decided Sheriff Woody and Spiderman couldn’t run a farm together anyway?


Jamie is my little artist. He always finds an excuse to draw or craft something.


The kids all like reading, and their favorite place to read is by the fire place in the play room.

Doing homework.

This corner of the house is looking really cosy these days after a few upgrades with pillows, rugs and even some vases.

Lori and Lady.

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